A place to display my cakes, cookies and cupcakes. I'd like to share my ideas and recipes, learn from other cakers, and just have fun.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Maya's 3rd Birthday Cake Minnie Mouse
Maya is my best friend's granddaughter. When I've babysat Maya, she always wants to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So I decided to make her a Minnie Mouse cake for her 3rd birthday. It just came at a bad time for me--same weekend as our women's retreat. So I had to come up with an easy design. I was a little anxious about making Minnie's face, but after looking at lots of designs online, I opted for simple. Who needs details when the shape is all you need? I think Maya liked her cake.
Veggie Bouquet for Women's Retreat
My wonderful friends, Mary Raso and Monica Paniagua helped me put together this humongous veggie bouquet for our women's retreat. All the ladies loved it. My twin Amie Shearman said, "Thanks for making vegetables look so appealing!" I even served it with lite ranch dressing in red pepper cups.
Suitcase Cake for Kallie's Israel Trip
My daughter Kallie is going to Israel with her classmates in three days. They had a final meeting, so I made them a suitcase cake. Shalom!